
Choosing Healthy Relationships


Are you currently in an unhealthy relationship, or maybe you're not sure if your relationship is healthy or not? Do you wonder how your life ended up this way? 
Either way, in Choosing Healthy Relationships, Jenni Viken will help you reassess your choices and make healthy new ones. Jenni fervently believes, “We are all born whole and complete, but somewhere along the way, we start to believe a different story about ourselves.” She peels back the layers of that story to help us understand how low self-worth and negative thinking may cause us to put up with relationships we don’t really deserve. Jenni shares her personal story and reveals what she learned about herself and her toxic marriage that caused the situation, and she inspires readers with how she learned to do better.

In Choosing Healthy Relationships, you will learn how to:
• Understand what love truly is and isn’t.
• Recognize the traits and controlling techniques of abusers.
• Put together a safety plan to leave your abuser.
• Set healthy boundaries.
• Communicate with love.
• Forgive others and forgive yourself.
• Rewrite your story for a happier future.

It’s time for you to live a life of peace, joy, and safety. It’s time to choose healthy relationships, and that
journey can begin right now, right here.